Do I have to live in a residence hall?
所有一年级学生的第一学期都必须住在校宿舍, full academic year or apply for an exemption. Find out more about the First Year Living Requirement.
Are rooms assigned by seniority?
房间分配,先到先得,根据申请完成日期. 在支付住房申请费之前,申请不被认为是完整的. 房间分配在8月1日或之前发送到学生的冰球突破豪华版游戏下载电子邮件帐户.
Are there single rooms available?
我们提供的单人间数量有限,价格为双人间入住率的50%. 边境馆的所有房间都设计成双人房,但必要时房间将增加三倍. All students will have a roommate unless a single is designated on the application; the application completion date will determine the order in which students receive a single room. Additional charges apply.
Is bedding supplied by 冰球突破豪华版游戏下载?
冰球突破豪华版游戏下载为所有学生提供一张特大号双人床,梳妆台,桌子和椅子. 学生必须自备床上用品、毛巾和个人用品. Find out more about what to bring to campus. Students may also order bedding packages through Orders can be sent directly to 冰球突破豪华版游戏下载 prior to your arrival!
What will my suite/room look like?
自然光通过一个大窗户进入每个房间,突出了高高的天花板和工业感. 床有六种不同的高度,这样学生就可以根据自己的需要和个人风格定制自己的房间. To view layouts and photos, click here. Typically, 四个房间共用一个公共空间,包括一个大的镜面梳妆台, three sinks and multiple drawers and cabinets for storage. 在这个公共空间内,有两个带淋浴和厕所的私人房间.
Can I bring my pet?
How often to RA's check on your room's cleanliness?
Room checks are completed at least once per semester. 具体日期和时间将通过他们的
Can I say in my room over breaks?
Residence halls close during Thanksgiving and Spring Break; however, students may stay for no additional cost. 在学期之间的寒假期间,学生每晚的住宿费用为12美元. All students must register to stay over break; though, housing approval is not guaranteed. 在休息期间,学校实行零容忍行为政策,在此期间不允许任何客人,包括非居民学生.